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Thursday, March 21, 2019


I have posted over the course of about 12 years all kinds of spiritual information that has been an improvement over what is circulating spiritually on this planet, and I have gotten better at it over this period of time.  I have learned from debating my ideas on spiritual groups on the internet, and even done dream interpretation on Yahoo Answers to home my skills on reaching inwardly spiritually!  But, with all my effort the PUBLIC has not been reached by me!!! I am “differently abled” with limited visual memory and finer motor skills, making me ideal for me to take on the huge challenges I have in the spiritual!  I feel so many people who are neurologically different have their potential destroyed by a world forcing too much of  a “one size fits all” approach on all of us and failing to see and help develop their potential!
All sorts of abuse with the resultant trauma is very present in this spiritually backward world.  Healing ourselves and our planet is not going to be at all easy!!!   Facing more of the TRUTH is too difficult/PAINFUL for most people to handle.  Drugs, medications, delusional beliefs, processed addictive foods, along with extravagant spending on material things or thrill seeking activities help people escape from or to tune out reality and reality and being open to gaining more of the TRUTH!
We can actually train ourselves to be able to handle more of the truth, and actually get better at seeing all the valuable sides of the complicated issues of our time.  I have developed techniques to do this, as I would not have developed the spiritual theories or spiritual connection with our universe through my newly developed Astrology system if I had not developed and utilized really effective spiritual/meditative training program.  Hard WORK in the spiritual area does pay off in positive RESULTS!
FREE WILL does exist in this world spiritually!  An autocratic GOD that denies us this FREE WILL is an outdated concept!!  The hard reality we exist in and that challenges us to get the most out of ourselves can not be escaped from!  Our role as front line  spirits responsible for the state of the reality we exist in does not ever end!  No escape from this reality exists, so we must face it.  People like to believe that they can escape this reality by dying, but death is not an escape, since no real or permanent escape from this reality exists.  WE MUST FACE IT!!  Free will and its responsibilities in dealing with a challenging reality can not be escaped from!  Escapism needs to be eliminated from our planet spiritually to quite a degree if we are ever to make it a better place to exist on!
We just are not that competent spiritually here on this planet.  The way we treat ourselves and the less fortunate on this planet is a testimony to our spiritual incompetence here.  My spiritual theories and techniques are geared to improving peoples spiritual focus and competence so that we can make real progress at improving the conditions on this planet both physically and spiritually!  The spiritual underlies all of reality and must be dealt with effectively in order for the physical reality on the surface to improve.
We need badly to develop a lot more spiritual maturity on this planet so that we can handle the crises that will be coming in the future here,  It seems to require crises to happen in order for people to be awaking from the haze of a “drugged out: spiritual state and be willing to do the hard work required to find and face more of what is true spiritually.  Often one faces the choice of either facing more of the TRUTH or death.  But do not believe that death will allow you to escape reality, or that anything that acts like a drug will enable this either.
Please make an effort to read or listen to my stuff that is all over the internet!  There is enough out there that you can pick and choose what to focus your time on!  I need people to help get my ideas out, and also to team up with me to help develop even better spiritual theories and techniques.  Even my Astrology System that helps people better tune into their place in our physical universe can develop a lot further when other minds with other perspectives and abilities explore its possibilities!

Here is a link to a lot of my spiritual stuff on the internet!  Also put “astrogoodwin” into a search engine to find more!

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