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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

We get the elections, the democracy and the hard spiritual lessons we deserve!

 We get the type of elections we collectively deserve, we get the type of democracy we deserve, and we face the hard spiritual lessons we deserve! Those in elite positions in our society will do what they can to hold onto the power, wealth, and influence they so strongly crave and will often do what ever it takes to maintain their positions, playing the game in any way that seems to work for them even if by so doing they maintain the spiritual backwardness of this world by so doing and help set up future crises as a result. Often winning an election during times of crises is not the price these politicians may envision. They can get into a situation that is more challenging than their extra big ego can handle and become the center of the hard spiritual lessons a society as a whole needs to learn. Losing an election however can give one the chance to look at things from different angles and reassess or reevaluate things and thus deepening ones spiritual understanding of what went wrong and continues to go wrong.

As a spiritual pioneer, I am willing to take controversial positions and explore differing perspective, since that comes with the territory of what I do. Those addicted to the traditional, or they way things currently are done in this world will not be able to relate to a extremely unique differently abled person like me, so their is little value in me trying to be popular with them. I have to choose my friends carefully in order to survive and contribute what i have to offer to the world spiritually, which is also true for everyone to some degree.

Reality can be really rough on those who violate spiritual laws in order to gain positions of power and influence. This is becoming more true as we become more technologically advanced and the consequences of making big mistakes becomes a lot rougher. We need to continuously investigate everything that is going wrong within our society and find ways to improve them, or we will face really hard spiritual lessons in the future in a way that we will not prepared enough to absorb their value and thus be capable of bringing about a lot of really positive change in the future as a result.

We can stay divisive and allow the people in positions of power and influence in our society to manipulate us, or we can do the hard spiritual work required to change the spiritual climate in this world in a way that these manipulative power hungry people will lose their power and influence over them, and thus have to change for the better or fall by the wayside.

I have so much valuable spiritual information on my WordPress site: astrogoodwin | Just another site

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