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Monday, March 19, 2018

I find that orgasmic like bliss and hedonistic desire hinder meaningful spiritual development

I am into leading a meaningful life! People like my healing energy and find my serious creative approach toward the spiritual often as quite entertaining despite its serious purpose geared to making a positive difference in a world that badly needs to improve the spiritual state it is in! It is true that I am not much into orgasms, since I tend to utilize my sexual energy for more serious spiritual purposes. Orgasm actually is not required in order to develop more intimacy sexually! And orgasm when it does happen can bring a deeper sense of closeness without putting one in some drug like “bliss” state! So many people are addicted to sex for how it makes them feel, and do not really connect really deeply with their partner! Most of us are just not very good at really connecting deeply spiritually with ourselves or others on this planet! People often feel strongly connected with others when they share drug like experiences that do not create really deep or meaningful connections with the level of understanding that comes with them! If we are to heal ourselves and our planet we have to take a lot more serious approach toward life and stop being so heavily into hedonistic desires.

Being in a blissful/intoxicated state tend to disconnect people from reality! So many people have spiritual beliefs that seek a blissful state, rather than the more serious state required to make a really positive and meaningful difference in a world that has so many serious problems that need to be addressed! We have so many harmful drugs in our society that handicap our ability to get the most out of ourselves spiritually and be able to be serious enough to do what it takes to heal ourselves and our planet! We have too many spiritual beliefs that support a type of intoxicating spiritual escapism that makes it difficult for people to focus their spiritual energy in a really serious way on the challenging physical world we exist in and all the serious problems that exist in it! We need spiritual theories that help us to better connect and cope with the reality we now exist in on this planet rather than the desire to escape from it!

I have so much valuable spiritual stuff of value on the internet representing a lifetime of intense spiritual effort to improve the spiritual theories and techniques that exist on this spiritually backward planet:

Addictions tune one out from reality spiritually!

Included in addictions are anything one feels compelled to become strongly attached to despite their harmful impact on your ability to cope with reality! Cigarettes are extremely addictive and often are not considered for the spirit altering addictive impact they have on people! People would not smoke them and face the really harmful physical harm they do to them if they did not have such a psychological/spiritual hold on them! Food addictions also can be extremely strong and also can have a very negative impact on health! Obesity has reached an epidemic level in this world in recent times along with so many other serious health problems that result from overeating and eating unhealthy, but very addictive(flavorful)foods designed by the food industry to boost sales! One can develop enough hunger between meals especially if you exercise that you will find healthy foods attractive. Frequent small meals can help one to get a constant supply of nutrition! Just make them small enough that one will get a constant supply of nutrition!
Addiction to spiritual beliefs also cause harm by preventing people from improving them, which is really needed in an age in which advanced technology is causing so many serious problems that need to be addressed by people with their spiritual energy very tuned in and grounded in a rational way on the challenging physical reality we now exist in! Hedonism is the enemy of spiritual development, and is extremely present in this modern age we live in! The USA tends to have an economic system geared too much toward the pursuit of pleasure and unhealthy excesses!
Addictions also distort the mind making delusions more attractive than reality, and making the effort to connect with serious sources of information about the reality we exist in more difficult! So much misinformation is circulating in this world often that support extreme viewpoints which can be very intoxicating to those with out a good enough grip on the complex reality we exist in with all of its mysteries and variables that requires one being able to see many sides of any issue in order to figure out how to get a better picture of what is true. People often become addictive to extreme viewpoints and to the crazy conspiracy theories that support them! We have so many serious mental health problems in this world as a result of all the unhealthy addictions that tune people out from reality while harming their physical and spiritual health!
We badly need to advance further spiritually on this planet where its technology has advance a lot in recent history, but that has not advanced as much spiritually! We just do not have the spiritual maturity on this planet to handle the serious problems of our age. Addictions play a major role in holding us back spiritually! Addictions to the beliefs of the past keep us from developing a better spiritual connection to reality so that we can seriously recognize what we need to do to get more out of ourselves spiritually, and then as a result, better able to contribute in cooperation with others to making this world a better place to exist on!

Friday, March 16, 2018

Links to my spiritual stuff on internet

Trauma, denial, distortions of reality, and projection of ones flaws onto others in the outside world:
Yahoo Answers best answers:
The unique diet that works best for me:
Also look at other wordpress blog posts and facebook notes!
I am found on the internet by putting “astrogoodwin” into a search engine!
My YOUTUBE channel with interesting videos and very educational videos most of which are not my own with a lot not related directly to the spiritual:

We all judge ourselves and others intuitively&badly need to work at improving at it!

We all judge others intuitively, that is why we must improve our spiritual programming and become more tuned in spiritually! Understanding others requires being able to tune into them and properly evaluate them! When you are as unique as I am you will notice this automatic intuitive judging going on very keenly, since a lot of people will automatically see you in not the best light! Survival in this world requires that you sense who are good people to relate to and who you need to stay clear of. Our close connections have a strong effect on our energies and who we are spiritually!

We have to constantly evaluate ourselves and others spiritually and work to improve both ourselves and the type of people we are connected with! We are so backward spiritually on this planet because we are not critical enough about our own spiritual state and that of those we connect with! We need to find friends that value any spiritual tips we can give them to improve their spiritual character which can not be done without one being good at evaluating them in a way that can help them! We often do not have the best understanding of ourselves without getting helpful feedback from others.

Why would anyone fear being judged by others!!! We need people to be open in how they judge us, rather than denying the automatic intuitive judging they do! When people are open about their impressions of you, it makes it a lot easier to figure out who are best to relate to! People who hide their true feelings and thoughts about you and the intuitive source of them, make it really harder for you to have an authentic relationship with them! So often people pretend to be friendly when deep down inside them they are not.

Religious people often put on a facade of “love” for everyone that is not backed up by the desire and ability to really understand them! We badly need develop better spiritual judgment by improving the spiritual theories that tune us more accurately spiritually into ourselves, others, and the reality we exist in! Tradition religions often wants mindless followers that do not question or judge the effectiveness in the real world of the beliefs they impose on their followers!

Our world has advanced so much technologically while remaining really backward spiritually! Our spiritual/intuitive judgment is what will help us make further progress spiritually provided we use it to make positive things happen in this world. Knowing/judging that which is positive and healthy spiritually/physically for oneself and others requires developing a really good spiritual connection with reality! We need to become empowered spiritually on this planet so that we can better take on our responsibility as the front line spirits we are here! The belief in an all powerful autocratic God that does all the judging and treat us as infants will not help us take more responsibility for dealing with the serious problems that exist in our world. We need to grow up spiritually and develop the judgement required to make that happen!

I have information all over the internet which can be found using this link:

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Moving toward eating healthier

I am not a professional in the field of nutrition, but do have a lot of understanding about diet from a spiritual perspective due to decades of focus in this area! Consulting with a competent medical professional with knowledge of nutrition is always advisable in order not to risk possible harm as a result of making drastic changes in ones diet! It can be quite risky if one does not know enough about what you are doing when making changes in your diet especially when they are quite strong ones!!!
Personally, I only eat food in order to perform better! I am extreme when it comes to my dietary strictness! My mainly oatmeal and cooked greens diet with vitamin and mineral supplements does enable me to push the edge intensely with the extreme spiritual-physical exercise routine I need to do to be the spiritual pioneer I am! Different diets work for different people! One needs to read up on diet from good/reliable sources and find the diet that works for you! Extreme diets like mine will work only for rare individuals with a very extreme focus on the spiritual with the extreme training and spiritual programming done over a long period of time that come with it! It takes a long time to adjust to an extreme type diet like mine and a lot of nutritional research and intuitive/spiritual awareness of what will work best for your individual/unique needs based on what types of demands you place on the body! Different body types are required to do different types of work and diets need to be tailored to meet the different demands put on your body! Again, nutritional experts should be consulted when needed to ensure one does not harm oneself with a diet that does not meet your needs well enough!
The body takes a while to change so one has to make gradually changes in it. One can not focus so much on weight, since it takes quite a while to lose it. One will feel healthier as you eat healthier and get more exercise! Walking is a good exercise to start with! Food can be very addictive since the food industry has designed a lot of its products to be that way. If you build up a good enough hunger you will find healthy food more appealing! You need to eat regularly so you get a constant supply of good nutrition especially protein! Eating small meals and lowering your daily calorie intake will help one to become hungrier between meals! One can eat less at a meal when one is less hungry and a little more when one is quite hungry! Building up a healthier appetite is good, but one should not go long periods without nutrition and stress the body too much!
Most people do not need a lot of protein, but a regular supply! Vegetables are important! The focus need to be on becoming healthier, and this takes time, but one will notice subtle changes over time. You will become more tuned in spiritually as you lose your addiction to food and eat mainly for health reasons! One needs to try to get one pleasure from doing positive things to make this world a better place by contributing what talent ones has to it. One needs to be spiritually strong in this world and understand that over indulgence and addictions are what is messing up this world spiritually! People just do not take this world and its problems seriously enough! Healing oneself and the traumas of ones past is not easy! One has to toughen oneself up, and that takes a continuous effort over a long period of time to achieve, But, one has to take one step at a time and understand that when one starts steering a good course in life one will get some benefits spiritually immediately! Remember that excess fat and refined sugar is what overloads the body with calories!
Here is a link to my blog post on this topic. We are all different so need to tailor our diet to fit what works best for us!

Stretches, dumbbell warmup & 6 minutes non-stop 2-hand overhead behind back dumbbells swings

Dumbbell swing video on You Tube

WARNING:  All the intense meditative/physical exercises I do require a body that is conditioned and able to do them safely.  They require a period of adjustment as one needs to gradually get use to them as to their frequency, intensity, and duration.  Although my spiritual focus requires I try to inspire people to do what it takes to improve their physical and spiritual well being,  I am not a medical/health-care professional.   Important: Before starting any new diet and exercise program please check with your doctor and clear any exercise and/or diet changes with them before beginning.  Do this exercise at your own risk and do them carefully.  Better to start out slow and gradually get use to them.   The intense type training I am able to do came as a result of decades of intense physical-spiritual training.   The most intense type spiritual-physical exercises are for people who have an extreme spiritual focus in their lives that enable them to handle the years of training required,  along with spiritual sensitivity and body awareness needed to prevent them from hurting themselves.

I eat something to fuel my dumbbell swing exercise routine, and then about 2-4 hours later drink some water  and started exercising.   I first do  careful stretching movements holding them very briefly covering all muscles for about 4 minutes, then some light weightlifting(warmed up using 20 lb dumbbell and arms for about 2 minutes doing all types of movements a few times in standing position), then do 6 minutes of nonstop dumbbell swings,  and 4 minutes more of stretching.  I do as many 2-handed overhead modified(bending elbows when lifting dumbbell overhead, deep squat, and extended to behind head) 20 lb dumbbell swings as I can do in a total of 6 minutes of nonstop cardio! I do these with my eyes closed at times while breathing in and out 24 to 27 times  with each dumbbell swing.  I use to breath in out a lot less in the past, but kept increasing the breathing as I was able to, since it increased the spiritual/physical difficulty of doing them.  The extra breathing makes the exercise more meditative!    I do try to tune into what ever emotions I can pick up or feel while doing this exercise or tune out any distractions I hear from my surroundings..    I try to put myself in the most intense and difficult physical/spiritual state while being really careful not to overdo it and hurt myself.
I have carefully worked up to this dumbbell swing routine for a period of five years as of October 2017..  I was in pretty good shape before I got started.  So it took me quite a while to condition myself to where I am at right now.   So,it takes quite a bit of time to get really good at this exercise!  Beginners can actually start without a dumbbell and gradually get the body use to handling dumbbells while starting with lights ones and working up to heavier ones!  They can adjust their technique to what is comfortable for them. This upper body cardio/meditative exercise with its head and neck movements I feel helps the circulation to the brain improve and thus allows one to push ones limits as to what states the body and mind can handle both physically and spiritually!
The swing as I do it works real well for me! That is why my body can handle it  4 days a week. I am really strongly in tune with my body due to all the meditative training I put it through.  Beginners  can actually start without a dumbbell and gradually get the body use to handling a heavier dumbbell. They can adjust their technique to what is comfortable for them. This upper body cardio exercise with its head and neck movements I feel helps the circulation to the brain improve and allows one to really push ones limits as to what difficult states the body and mind can handle both physically and spiritually.  One can gradually increase the breathing rate as times go on and you are able to with reasonable effort.  The breathing does increase the spiritual component to this exercise and increase its difficulty.  I did last up to 30 minutes nonstop in the past doing it when I was breathing a lot less times in and out per swing.

Meditation/Meditative Walking/Running: developing a stronger spiritual connection with the physical

Warning:  It takes a lot of time(years)to develop the ability to handle this spiritual-physical exercise in its most intense form.  The body needs to be given time to adjust as to frequency, duration, and intensity of any intense type exercise including this meditative type.  One should consult a Medical Doctor and/or Mental Health Professional if you have any conditions that could make this exercise unsafe in any way.  This should be done at your own risk.  The spiritual has a really inner individual focus,  unlike science, and one has the accept responsibility for ones own actions and ones ability to sense intuitively what will work best for you.  Crisis always entails risk, and all effective spiritual exercise trains one to handle life at its most intense, so their will be risks, and one needs to do ones best to be vigilant so as to avoid serious trouble even when faces really tough challenges.  FEEL FREE TO SIMPLIFY OR BE CREATIVE WHEN USING THESE MEDITATIVE EXERCISE TECHNIQUES SO AS TO MAKE THEM MORE READILY FIT YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS!

What is a meditative walk?  A meditative walk is a walk done with a breathing technique and rhythm that puts one into a meditative state. It involves short steps and rapid breathing and rhythmic movements. Controlled hyperventilation is what puts one into an altered meditative state. One has to get the body use to this state in order to handle it safely and gain the benefits of it, similar to other exercises. Some of the upper body movements are geared to simulating the brain and increasing the blood flow to it so that one can do this exercise in a very low energy fatigued state. Being able to handle a really low energy(survival) state really well helps one to become really strong and sensitive spiritually. Ones stationary meditation practices will get better as a result of doing this meditative walk, so that one can really quiet the mind and better tune into psychically to the energy around you. While doing the meditative walk, I do sense a lot psychically about the environment I am moving through, and do sort of snake through the neighborhood avoiding and energy that feels unsafe, crossing the street and changing course to avoid any thing that gives me an uneasy feeling. Sometimes avoiding dogs and wild parties is involved.
All meditation involves a degree of over-breathing(controlled hyperventilation)which removes extra carbon dioxide in the form of carbonic acid from the blood making the blood more alkaline which I believe adds to the relaxation affect that meditation has.  Different types of breathing tend to come with different emotional states.  Rapid short breaths often result when one is in a really intense emotional/spiritual state.  Spiritual training helps one to handle spiritual/emotional states that are difficult to handle and tend to put a lot of stress on the body.  In order to be able to handle very challenging physical-spiritual states,  one has to condition the body through a training program that involves effort over a long period of time.  When one does anything that the body has not conditioned to handle, it will be unsafe to do.  The medical profession does not tend to see hyperventilation as positive, since they deal with people who are not trained to handle it and tend to have a one size fits all scientific approach, that tends to ignore the importance of the type of inner individual focused spiritual approach that physical-spiritual exercises entail.
I have two breathing techniques I use with my meditative walking training program.  One which is less intense involving breathing in with one step(or forward arm movement) and out with the next.  And another that is more intense that involves breathing in and out with each step(or forward arm movement.  The more rapidly one breaths the shallower the breathing will tend to be.  The diaphragm has to be trained over a long period of time to be able to handle the more rapid movements that are involved in more rapid meditative breathing techniques.  The focus of my type of meditative walking is very much upper body, with the arm and shoulder movements and sideward movement of the waist, sort of powering the legs to move.  This exercise tries to limit the workload on the legs, and shift it very much to the upper body, which helps get more blood flow to the brain enabling one to do this meditative exercise when in a fatigued state in which one would not be able to normally function in.  The sort of exaggerated shoulder movements used in this exercise also help more blood flow get to the brain by sort of massaging the neck.  The rapid breathing I believe does affect one neurologically which also tends to stimulate the brain.
As one improves ones techniques one will tend to move slower as to forward progress and take quick shorter steps which will of course increase the rapidity of ones breathing(especially if breathing in and out with each step).  One can lean forward a little bit while focusing on landing on your toes first then heals and do more of a side to side motion which will help one take shorter somewhat quicker steps(using a sort of kicking motion) that can be done while in quite a deep fatiguing meditative state.  I find doing a sort of kneading action with the legs helps intensify the meditative state!   Closing the eyes for short periods of time(when safe to do)will help one to focus inwardly so that one can more effectively use the meditative state produced by this exercise to help one deal effectively with the emotions(psychological state)that the intensity of the meditative state produced tends to make one more aware of.  Any intensely effective meditative exercise will enable one to become more comfortable with and better able to handle more intense emotional/psychological states.  When doing meditative walking really intensely one can get ocular headaches that closing the eyes tightly for period of time can help you get rid of.  Keeping ones eyes open too long when in a meditative(somewhat similar to sleep) state can strain the eyes.  If one gets cramps or other painful physical symptoms, one needs to slow down and lessen the intensity of the exercise or focus more on the upper body movements that make it effectively work.  If your lower back hurts(from the tension created) you may need to stop and stretch periodically and be slower and more careful!  In time one will become more in tune with your body and become better able to know what will safely work for you, and what will cause you problems.  The object is not to hurt oneself, but to get healthier physically and spiritually.  I do now use a standing in place meditative movement exercise using the very same technique as the meditative walk, but with the feet staying planted in place.
One has to pay attention to your foot placement when doing meditative walking so that you can maintain good balance in an altered meditative state, the side to side movement of this exercise should help ones balance along with keeping ones feet far enough apart to increase stability.  One needs to pick a route that one is familiar with and is pretty safe especially when one is just beginning this exercise.  One can stop at anytime when faced with any possible dangers or obstacles.  When one becomes good at this exercise, one will be able to sort of snake through the territory one is walking through in a way to avoid any possible dangers or obstacles.  One will draw spiritual energy from the earth as one does this exercise which gives one more spiritual strength to be able to handle more and more challenging spiritual/emotional/psychological states as one improves at this meditative walking technique.
Meditative running is similar to meditative walking but with a running motion!  This is how I now do my intense meditative morning 1/2 of a mile run routine 3 days a week! I do dynamic stretching before and after and brief running warm up before. I  run breathing in and out with each step using short quick steps and rapid arm movement!  I focus on massaging my neck with my shoulder movements and on the reptilian part of the brain which can cause problems if not gotten under good control spiritually! I tired out quite a bit at the end. I feel I must exercise really intensely daily to protect my energy since it is so different spiritually as a result of its programming. My spiritual survival depends on me being able to handle the physical stress created by extreme spiritual/emotional states.

I have recently  adding more cat like movement in my meditative walking using crouching type movement which I do with waves of deep crouching followed by more upright movement to rest, since intense crouch type movement is so rough on the body that it can not be done continuously! Also found that breathing through my mouth a lot while doing my meditative walk while opening and closing my mouth(without closing completely)with each step in a way that tightens my jaw muscles when breathing out!  I do squeeze my eyes close periodically, since an intense meditative state can only handle so much visual stimulation!  Eyes being closed helps one connect more with the spiritual/sleep centers of ones brain! One can open ones eyes when ever one needs to in order to see well enough where you are heading and to avoid obstacles and dangers on ones walk!  One gets really good at tuning into ones surrounding spiritually with practice at this.  Not being blind and being able to open ones eyes a lot of the times allows one to become really good at noticing what counts with the aid of being in an intuitive meditative state.  Meditative walking does put one into a super vigilant type state ready to handle any emergency that may comes ones way!  Meditative walks of the type of intensity I do tend to affect the energies around me and I have to be in a state to protect myself from what I set off!  Often dogs and people stay clear of me when my intensity is extremely strong.  But, I can really scare aggressive dogs off by growling at them intensely and can shock or inform people about me with my intense verbal interactions with them!

One can use similar technique while doing a meditation lying down on ones back using similar shoulder movements and even legs movements to some degree.  One can move ones feet and hands/fingers a little bit also when doing this in order to gain more of a wholistic connection to the body.  One can even do some hand/finger movements when doing the meditative walk.  I find tensing the stomach muscle as though attempting to do a crunch(but without any actual body movement occurring) when breathing in can create tension that help one the breath more intensely and thus increase the effectiveness of this lying down exercise.  When doing a sitting meditation similar techniques can be used, but one may need to do a little back and forth movement of the body  above the waist in order to create tension in the stomach muscles in a similar way as I mentioned above in regard to the lying down meditation.  Also in both lying down and sitting meditation, it can be helpful to close ones eyes extra tightly when breathing in so as to help prevent or alleviate ocular headaches. One can close ones eyes or not when breathing out depending on what ones finds works best for you!  One can do various arm movements with sitting and lying down meditation for short periods of time in order to intensify the meditative state.  When the body gets more relaxed you will not be able to do as much body movement, but that is fine as you will then be in a very comfortable meditative state or may sometimes go into a dream sleep state and connect with the spiritual realm.  Dreaming is a very important spiritual state which is very much affected by how good your spiritual programming tunes you it!

Please read the updates that follow, since my meditative techniques continue to evolve!
10/2/17: I have started focusing on the top of my head while using the same meditative technique as I mentioned on my 8/13/17 update above!  It seemed to give me more energy, but make me a little woozy especially when done at night!  It may be a technique that requires a lot of more basic meditative walking training first so that one has the really good balance and careful foot movement required!
11/4/17:  I am now breathing through my mouth a lot while doing my meditative walk while opening and closing my mouth(without closing completely)with each step in a way that tightens my jaw muscles when breathing out!  Not easy to explain!  Focus on 4 steps at a time(per cycle) and keeping my eyes close most of each cycle!  Try to put a lot of intensity in each cycle and push hard enough that my mind shuts down as my focus goes completely into technique with its short rapid steps and side to side movement with the legs apart enough to provide more stability! The elbows and shoulder movement helps create the side to side motion that helps make the steps stay close to ground so that the steps will become more rapid.  The legs tend to be rather stiff and a little bit of a forward leans of the body helps!
11/4/17:  My meditative run that I now do 3 days a week and is now 1/2 mile long with shorter rapid steps.  It is getting more meditative which makes it harder to do!
3/12/18:  I am adding more cat like movement in my meditative walking using crouching type movement which I do with waves of deep crouching followed by more upright movement to rest, since intense crouch type movement is so rough on the body that it can not be done continuously!  It does put one into a super vigilant type state ready to handle any emergency that may comes ones way!  Meditative walks of the type of intensity I do tend to affect the energies around me and I have to be in a state to protect myself from what I set off!  Often dogs and people stay clear of me when my intensity is extremely strong.  But, I can really scare aggressive dogs off by growling at them intensely and can shock or inform people about me with my intense verbal interactions with them!
5/26/18 Doing a meditation of a different type after my more intense early morning meditation where instead of breathing in and out with each step, I breath in with 2 steps and out with the next 2 with cat-like movement with focus on really breathing deeply and being in a quite really vigilant aware state.  Careful exacting type movement that is ready for whatever crazy spiritual energy or encounters may occur during the walk!  May need to scar dogs off with intense vocalizations.  Loud and intensely passionate verbalization can transform the spiritual energy around you when encountering obstructive spiritual energy which when found in dogs will just represent the human spirits that they are strongly bonded with!  Human spirits are responsible for the type of spiritual energy they send out that has a very strong impact on they world around them and whatever influence they have on otherr humans or animals spiritually! Objects and locations can have certain spiritual energy attached to them based on what spirits are close to or attached to them.  Traumatic events can spiritually imprint/influence certain locations!
8/26/18 – I am now using two meditative walking techniques, one that involves breathing in and out with each breath that is very intense and is best done without the close  presence of other people!  The other technique involves breathing in very deeply with every two steps and out with the next two.  Both techniques involve cat like crouching  which is helped by leaning forward and using the muscles that lift the legs a lot!  the feet are suppose to glide along hardly leaving the ground except to make adjustments based on terrain!  This type of walking movement should create tension to help increase the intensity of the breathing especially when doing the breathing in and out with each step technique!  The arms should move rapidly from side to side in natural rhythm with the walking motion and the up and down motion of the shoulders should massage the neck!  The upper body affect of arm and shoulder movement pumps more blood to the brain intensifying the intensity of the walk and affect on the brain!  I try to get use to pushing the pace of the walk as hard as able to maintain an effort level harder than almost anyone is capable of!  I try to move my arms very vigorously using the nervous energy I pick up on to help me do this.  Using nervous energy to help intensify the meditative state will condition oneself to relax oneself under states that would be really hard for others to do! Either nose or mouth breathing can be used, mouth breathing may work better with more rapid breathing techniques.  I use mouth breathing with the breathing in and out with each step.
I recently added a third technique breathing in really deeply with two steps and then out with the next two steps!  This technique allows one to do extra long meditative walks when tired.

1/3/20 On DEC 20th 2019 after taking a break from it, I started running again( 3 miles every day). I recently had the flu, but did not let that stop me! My “neurologically different” body does best when I push the edge! I would not have survived as long as I have in this world which is very hostile toward me, if I did not use my extreme approach guided by my well trained intuition! My spiritual mindset has to be better than others! Most people in this world have no idea how much further they could evolve spiritually and are just passively guided by the spiritual fads of the times with out much deep thinking about how much this limits their potential! When I run, I swing my arms and shoulders as vigorously as possible which makes the run more “meditative”, difficult and intense!

1/3/20  On  DEC 20th 2019, I started running again( 3 miles every day).   I recently had the flu, but did not let that stop me! My “neurologically different” body does best when I push the edge! I would not have survived as long as I have in this world which is very hostile toward me, if I did not use my extreme approach guided by my well trained intuition! My spiritual mindset has to be better than others! Most people in this world have no idea how much further they could evolve spiritually and are just passively guided by the spiritual fads of the times with out much deep thinking about how much this limits their potential!  When I run, I swing my arms and shoulders as vigorously as possible which makes the run more “meditative”, difficult and intense!
1/17/20 Started meditative running twice a day: 3 miles each time!  I have changed my run into a meditative exercise that is more intense than my meditative walks!  I use a similar technique with the intense arm and shoulder movement and side to side movement!  I breath really hard  in with one step and out with the next!  I sort of skim along with sort of a dance type movement!  I really will need to demonstrate this on video when the opportunity arises!
2/8/20  When I meditatively run I now have to focus my intensity mostly on my shoulder movement and side to side movement and ignore how fast I am going! It is a slow run, but gets the heart rate up with its intensity! It is a little like dance with quick steps and intense breathing(breathing in with one step and out with the next)! The focus needs to be on the back of the neck(near survival/reptilian part of brain) and the area between the eyes. I do close my eyes at times in each 6 to 8 step cycle when the surface and traffic is safe! Minor injuries have forced me to avoid focusing overly on forward movement!  I now mostly do meditative runs, replacing most of my meditative walking! 3/10/20: I now do 4 three mile meditative runs daily when ever I can while breathing in and out with each step and crouching a little with the first two steps of a four step cycle! Also closed my eyes tightly as much as I could safely do in each four step cycle.  I try to focus as much as I can on the deepest and most challenging emotions within me while moving my shoulders vigorously up and down helped with a side to side motion of the upper body!  The rhythmic movement helps one to handle the very difficult state this exercise challenges one with when done really intensely!
IMPORTANT;  You can do even more intense meditative exercises and avoid ocular head aches by squeezing the eyes really tightly shut when exhaling the air forcefully out:  sort of squeezing forcefully what ever emotions out of ones body.  One does not have to keep the eyes continuously shut and can do this while walking and running while opening the eyes enough to proceed safely!  One will get better at this with practice as practice is what makes one really good at anything provided one uses good techniques so that one does not injure oneself.  Pain needs to be paid attention to and one may need to increase one shoulder movements and slow down a little or stop at times until one figures out how to keep from having any pain of the type that can injure oneself.  Recovery time is important!  It can takes decades of practice to become really good at pushing ones limits to the extreme and have developed the intuition and skill at making adjustments required to safely get away with it.  I been doing this most of my life and I am 66 years old!
Here is a YouTube video I did to demonstrate meditative walking:

I have a more updated version of this here: