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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Moving toward eating healthier

I am not a professional in the field of nutrition, but do have a lot of understanding about diet from a spiritual perspective due to decades of focus in this area! Consulting with a competent medical professional with knowledge of nutrition is always advisable in order not to risk possible harm as a result of making drastic changes in ones diet! It can be quite risky if one does not know enough about what you are doing when making changes in your diet especially when they are quite strong ones!!!
Personally, I only eat food in order to perform better! I am extreme when it comes to my dietary strictness! My mainly oatmeal and cooked greens diet with vitamin and mineral supplements does enable me to push the edge intensely with the extreme spiritual-physical exercise routine I need to do to be the spiritual pioneer I am! Different diets work for different people! One needs to read up on diet from good/reliable sources and find the diet that works for you! Extreme diets like mine will work only for rare individuals with a very extreme focus on the spiritual with the extreme training and spiritual programming done over a long period of time that come with it! It takes a long time to adjust to an extreme type diet like mine and a lot of nutritional research and intuitive/spiritual awareness of what will work best for your individual/unique needs based on what types of demands you place on the body! Different body types are required to do different types of work and diets need to be tailored to meet the different demands put on your body! Again, nutritional experts should be consulted when needed to ensure one does not harm oneself with a diet that does not meet your needs well enough!
The body takes a while to change so one has to make gradually changes in it. One can not focus so much on weight, since it takes quite a while to lose it. One will feel healthier as you eat healthier and get more exercise! Walking is a good exercise to start with! Food can be very addictive since the food industry has designed a lot of its products to be that way. If you build up a good enough hunger you will find healthy food more appealing! You need to eat regularly so you get a constant supply of good nutrition especially protein! Eating small meals and lowering your daily calorie intake will help one to become hungrier between meals! One can eat less at a meal when one is less hungry and a little more when one is quite hungry! Building up a healthier appetite is good, but one should not go long periods without nutrition and stress the body too much!
Most people do not need a lot of protein, but a regular supply! Vegetables are important! The focus need to be on becoming healthier, and this takes time, but one will notice subtle changes over time. You will become more tuned in spiritually as you lose your addiction to food and eat mainly for health reasons! One needs to try to get one pleasure from doing positive things to make this world a better place by contributing what talent ones has to it. One needs to be spiritually strong in this world and understand that over indulgence and addictions are what is messing up this world spiritually! People just do not take this world and its problems seriously enough! Healing oneself and the traumas of ones past is not easy! One has to toughen oneself up, and that takes a continuous effort over a long period of time to achieve, But, one has to take one step at a time and understand that when one starts steering a good course in life one will get some benefits spiritually immediately! Remember that excess fat and refined sugar is what overloads the body with calories!
Here is a link to my blog post on this topic. We are all different so need to tailor our diet to fit what works best for us!

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